The TED Talks Every Recruiter Should See

The TED Talks Every Recruiter Should See

You may be a junior recruiter or a veteran with many years of experience in Talent Acquisition; either way, you will never stop learning. A good recruiter should always seek new ideas and inspiration to improve his or her work.

Indeed, there are many books that a recruiter or HR can read, but not only that: an incredible source of inspiration are the TED Talks available online, where other recruiters, HR managers, psychologists, or experts talk about their experiences.

What are TED Talks?

TED (Technology Entertainment Design) or TED Talks are conferences that originated in 1984. They were initially dedicated to technology and design, consistent with their origin in Silicon Valley, but later extended its reach to the world of science, culture and academia.

Here are the top 5 TED talks every recruiter or HR should watch.

Celeste Headlee: how to have a great conversation

We will never tire of repeating that communication skills are fundamental for a recruiter. Achieving an effective balance between speaking and listening is part art and part science. But it is always possible to improve!

In this TED Talks you can find ten tips on how a recruiter can become a skilled conversationalist.

ALTERNATIVE TALKS: How body language dominates who you are.

Jia Jiang: What I learned in 100 days of rejection.

Recruiting is not always as simple as drinking a glass of water. It often involves receiving countless rejections before we can convince a candidate to accept our company’s offer.

Certainly, the recruitment industry includes some aspects of the sales world, and in particular, every recruiter must get used to dealing with rejection daily.

In this TED Talks, you will discover the curious experiment (the 100-day rejection therapy) by which Jia Jang teaches us how to deal with rejection.

TALKS ALTERNATIVO: The key to success is perseverance.

Dan Ariely: what makes us appreciate work

As a recruiter and–even more so–as a Talent Acquisition Specialist, one of your tasks is to make the company attractive to potential candidates. And often, a good salary is not enough in a competitive market to grab the best talent.

In this TED Talk, Dan Ariely (professor of psychology and behavioural economics) unexpectedly answers this question: what makes us value work?


Kelly McGonigal: How to make friends with stress

Let’s not hide behind a finger: being a recruiter is stressful. The constant deadlines, the focus on results, not to mention managing so many searches in parallel-without the right technological tools to support us. No wonder more and more recruiters are falling victim to burnout.

In this TED Talks, Kelly McGonigal advises us to “embrace” our stress by considering it beneficial to our productivity rather than something to fear.

ALTERNATIVE TALKS: How to stay calm when you’re under stress.

Matthew Winkler: What events create a hero?

It is no accident that we have named our course for recruiters and HR “Talent Acquisition Hero.” The reason is that we firmly believe that storytelling skills are critical for anyone involved in Search and Selection. But often, recruiters find themselves in a situation where they “don’t know where to start.”

This TED Talk demystifies this fear, showing that success stories have a structure that can be studied and replicated to build our Employer branding narratives.