A leading distributor of fastening and assembly systems and products, Würth is a reference point in the Building Materials sector for many professionals and, to date, has more than 3.9 million customers in the automotive, crafts, construction and industrial sectors. The continuous commercial growth of the Group has led the company to consolidate its presence also at international level. With more than 400 companies worldwide, Würth is currently present in over 80 countries.
The importance it places on its customers, its employees and the enhancement of talent are some of the values underlying Würth's success. The adoption of In-recruiting for the management of search and selection processes has allowed the company, among other things, to harmonize the activities of the Talent Acquisition team and give greater attention to the 'life cycle' of candidates.

"The added value of introducing an application like In-recruiting is the high flexibility of managing the selection and processing of applications, all united by an analysis system that ensures constant monitoring”
Before In-recruiting, Würth's recruiting process was managed through non-integrated platforms. This system led to several problems especially at the level of application management and analysis and monitoring of the main KPIs, as well as difficulties in keeping track of the candidates' experience within the selection process.
Among the various reasons that led Würth to choose the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) In-recruiting as recruiting software, therefore, there is the need to manage in a single platform the candidate pipeline (Hiring Pipeline) and to make the Candidate Experience more homogeneous.
most valued by Würth
Tra le funzionalità di In-recruiting più apprezzate da Würth: il servizio di Multiposting integrato e a completa disposizione degli utenti aziendali, la possibilità di mappare gli iter di selezione in merito alle diverse posizioni ricercate, poter creare e dare subito ai candidati feedback specifici per ogni step del processo di recruiting, analizzare le performance.
Grazie all’integrazione di In-recruiting, Würth è riuscita a: centralizzare tutte le attività del processo di ricerca e selezione; raccogliere in un unico posto le informazioni relative alle diverse sources of Hire mappando le fonti più performanti per ogni ruolo professionale, analizzare al meglio i KPI e migliorare il monitoraggio e la valutazione di dati come il Time to Fill e Time to Hire per i diversi ruoli ricercati.
The main steps that changed Würth's recruiting process
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