First Employment Agency in France and fifth in Europe, Synergie is a truly international Employment Agency. Active in 17 countries, with over 600 offices worldwide, it is also present in Canada, Australia and China. Synergie Italia is an integral part of the Synergie Group and, for more than 20 years, has been one of the best known human resources companies in Italy. With more than 100 branches scattered throughout Italy, Synergie Italia puts candidates and companies in contact, accompanying the former in their search for new job opportunities, and the latter in recruitment paths that are significant for company growth. Thanks to In-recruiting and to the union of the functions of an ATS with those of a CRM, today Synergie Italia manages candidates and clients in a combined way with a single software.
Managing candidates and client companies with a system calibrated also for Employment Agencies was one of the factors that pushed Synergie Italia to adopt the In-recruiting Applicant Tracking System. As Matteo Daverio, HR Sypervisor Delivery at Synergie Italia, explains, this decision was dictated by "the need to connect two of the company's main activities (recruitment and sales), but also the need to facilitate the candidate experience during the application phase, to have a single point of access and management of candidate data, and to create a proprietary database".
Replacing the old ATS, Synergie Italia has adopted the Talent Acquisition In-recruiting software, a tool that can be easily integrated and customized, that has access portals for corporate users, candidates and external users, and that can be adapted according to the specific needs of companies.

"The almost total customization of the tool and the relationship of open collaboration with the referents dedicated to us”
Since the introduction of In-recruiting in 2018, Synergie Italia has achieved important results: 1,850,000 unique users in the database; +494,000 in 2019, +1,200,000 since March 2018; 55,000 jobs closed with positive status; 59,000 ads published in multiposting.
most valued by Synergie
A decisive role in the achievement of these goals was played by the numerous features of the software, used by Synergie Italia to improve the search and selection process. In addition to the possibility of customizing the different functions of the ATS, the Employment Agency takes advantage of the publication of ads in multiposting, the hiring pipeline to monitor the status of ads and jobs, tools such as comments and tags, reporting, management of clients and jobs, access to the platform and privacy for the use of data.
The main steps that have changed Synergie's recruiting process
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